Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (2024)

3 THE CALGARY HERALD Monday, May 12, 1969 Tongue-ln-Cheek Turns Bleak As Tiny Town Wrecked Worker Crosses Border Union Aiming At Commuter Labor Zap Sapped By Students' Spring Spree The Los Angeles Times, copyright MEXICALI, Mexico Juan Gomez, 24, a farm worker, gets up at 1 a.m. to go to work in the Coachella Valley across the border in California. He takes the bus to the international line and crosses the border after showing his immigration green card. His green card says that Gomez is a legal alien resident of the United States an immigrant. But because he prefers to live in Mexico, one of the reasons being that it is cheaper "It was a lot of fun," said Ken Lien of Fargo.

"It's just too bad Friday night (in Zap) had to happen." Sunday morning, the revellers, shivering in the 29-degree temperature, bleary-eyed and hung over for the most part, were beginning the journey home. Their numbers included students from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Minnesota, North Dakota, California, Florida and other points. At least one had come from Toronto, a distance of 2,760 miles. Meanwhile, the word was going around that next year would bring a "hop to Hoople," a town of 334 about 60 miles northwest of Grand Forks. The brief career of the town of Zap as the "Fort Lauderdale of the north" was over.

would start a fund to repair the damage, and. many students said they would contribute. "It should 'never have happened," said one. "The mayor (Norman Fuchs)' was foolish to think the towncould handle it. They should have given us a big field to hold the party in, then there wouldn't have been all this trouble." Zap had gone under martial law by the time of the student withdrawal.

"They wrecked the whole town," said Mercer County Sheriff Ivan Stiefel. As far as Bismarck was concerned, "we don't want to cause any trouble," said Ralph Williams, a student, at the University of North Dakota in East Grand Forks. "We just want to have a good time." Riverside Park, declared a "free zone" for the occasion. But if there was any trouble outside the park, arrests would follow. Once established in the park, as many as 19 of the visitors were before a judge at one time, in a court set up in a public building.

Sheriff Dale Granud of Burleigh County said about 40 were jailed for the night. Charges included, littering, illegal possession of liquor and incitement to riot. The party in the park Saturday night was boisterous. The morning light showed the grass littered with a carpet of beer cans. Later there were regrets for the havoc wrought at Zap.

The editor of the student paper in Fargo, N.D., said he BISMARCK, N.D. (CP) -The great zap-in, at Zap, N.D., which began as a tongue-in-cheek concept in North Dakota State University's student newspaper, ended here Sunday in an aftermath of property damage, arrests, National Guard troops and regrets by both students and the townsfolk of Zap. The tiny village of 300 drew from 2,000 to 3,000 students from most parts of the U.S. and from many points in Canada this week-end, for no other reason than the fact that the town bears the name of Zap. About 500 National Guardsmen followed the young people into the town Saturday, after the "zappening" had left the village's downtown section with not one window intact, with damaged buildings and the remains of bonfires smouldering on main street.

Stores and taverns were left in a litter of their own merchandise. After troops cleared the town Saturday, the students left by whatever means were at hand a happenning in search of a place to happen. Driving everything from old hearses to rented buses and cattle trucks, the party moved first to Beulah, just a few miles east of Zap, but the town was closed to them. Hazen, a bit farther, east, was the next stop, but there too, they were unwelcome. That was the pattern for the exodus late Saturday, as the zap-in wandered through the midwestern portion of the state.

Finally a contingent of about 2,000 showed up in Bismarck. City officials warned the students they could hold their party within the environs of Dominion Stores Ban Grapes TORONTO (CP) Dominion there, Gomez commutes tof the fields of Imperial and Coachella valleys. On the American side of the border he and many like him are picked up by labor contractor trucks. They pay $2 each for the ride to the farms. Gomez is usually up five hours before he even begins to work.

But he is not unhappy. Gomez, father of four children, is making $1.69 an hour, much more than he could ever make working in Mexico. A group of farm workers belonging to Cesar Chavez' Farm Workers Union are marching to the border to tell Gomez and his fellow commuters that they should join the union. They hope to reach the border by next Sunday where they plan an "international solidarity of farm workers rally." On the Mexican side, minor officials of the Confederation of Mexican Workers are helping plan the event. Chavez' people, many of whom are green card holders themselves but live on the American side, plan to tell the commuters that if they join the union they can force the growers to pay for their transportation to work and that their pay and benefits will improve.

The grape harvest at Coachella Valley is due to begin at the end of this month and union officials claim the workers are ready for a strike. But they also know that in 1968 the growers were able to replace striking workers with commuters from Mexico. ilUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMllllllllIltMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIf lllllllllllllllf IIMIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIItlllllllillllllllllMIIIIIM Crippled Plane Avoided Children Before Crashinq Israelis Round Up Al Fatah Suspects Associated Press BIAFRA CLAIMS GAINS ORLU, Biafra (AP) -Biaf-ran forces have claimed gains in a drive toward the oil city of Port Harcourt and the commercial town of Aba. A communique issued Saturday said Biafran forces have recaptured three towns about 33 miles from Owerri on the Ower-ri-Port Harcourt road. It did not give the names of Israeli security forces swooped down on the occupied Stores Canada's largest retail grocery chain, has stopped buying California grapes as part of a boycott which is spreading across North America.

They are the first chain store in Canada to take the step. Signs have gone up in Dominion stores throughout Metropolitan Toronto reading: "Sorry-Due to unsettled conditions in California vineyards, this store is not selling California grapes." Announcement of the Dominion boycott was made at a rally Saturday in support of the California grapeworkers who have been on strike for three and a half years, in an attempt to get The plane, a research craft, owned by the aerospace firm North American Rockwell was testing classified electronic equipment under defence department contract, a company spokesman said. The dead crew members were identified as Marlin Easton, the pilot; John W. Clahorn, 39; Lehland J. Christopher, 39, and Elmer R.

Jazek. Jim Peterson, 15, watching from the carnival, said the pilot "tried to land on the Babe Ruth field across the street, where two games were going on. But he pulled up and the plane wobbled back and forth and hit the roof of the building." Two small apartment buildings containing three or four units were damaged heavily, a five-unit apartment was slightly damaged and the tail section plunged into the yard of a single-family residence. LOS ANGELES (AP) As the crippled old bomber of Second World War vintage sputtered out of the blue California sky, two open areas loomed before the pilot's eyes a baseball field and a parking lot. One, or both, might have been empty on another day.

But it was Saturday. A high school carnival, packed by hundreds of children, jammed the parking lot. On the baseball field, a girls' softball league celebration, along with After three days of negotiations, following clashes between Lebanese troops and guerrilla forces, talks between Lebanese authorities and Al Fatah leader Yasser Arafat appeared to be stalled. Dr. Hassan Sabri Kholi, sent by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser to mediate the dispute, returned home.

Sources in Beirut said the Lebanese army probably will continue to restrict guerrilla activities along the border regardless of the outcome of the talks. Meantime, Egyptian and Israeli gunners exchanged artillery fire along the canal for six hours. Egypt said Israeli gunners fired at the northern Port Said, killing one civilian and wound I union recognition. the towns, but indicated federal Jordanian town of Hebron Sunday and rounded up suspected members of an Arab guerrilla network, defence ministry sources said. At least 11 Arabs were arrested, all said to belong to Al Fatah, largest of the Palestinian guerrilla organizations.

The west-bank town of Hebron has been a centre of Arab resistance to Israeli occupalion. A conflict with Arab guerrillas continued to spell trouble for half-Moslem, half-Christian Lebanon, Israel's tiny neighbor to the north. Government leaders were resisting demands by guerrilla leaders for freedom to use Lebanese territory as a base for strikes against Israel. Lebanon fears Israeli military retaliation. Nigerian troops were fighting a two ball games, had started Scouting Planned OTTAWA (CP) The Boy Scouts of Canada may begin a large-scale expansion in the Far North, Major-Gen.

W. K. Carr of Winnipeg said Friday. He told the annual meeting of Canadian scouts there may be a "considerable expansion of scouting in the Northwest only minutes before. The twin-engines B-26 veered away from the children, clipped two apartment houses and crashed in the courtyard between them.

Six persons were killed, authorities said, including all four crew members and a man and a woman inside one of the defensive battle with the Biaf-rans around the road junction town of Elee, 35 miles northwest of Port Harcourt. The communique added: "Altogether about 240 square miles of Biafran territory have been re-taken in this sector from the Nigerian enemy in the last week." ing nine others in their houses. There were no reports of casualties on the Israeli side. The smartest telephone in Canada. CCJntempra So convenient, its introduction has caused a rage.

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Calgary Herald from Calgary, Alberta, Canada (2024)


Is Calgary Alberta a nice place to live? ›

In 2022, Calgary was ranked the number one city to live in Canada and the 3rd Most Liveable City in the World. Calgary ranks among the top cities in Canada when it comes to healthcare, culture, environment and stability.

What is the main newspaper in Alberta? ›

Daily newspapers

Calgary Herald (Postmedia) – 914,165. Edmonton Journal (Postmedia) – 756,148. Edmonton Sun (Postmedia) – 323,410.

Why is Calgary so important to Canada? ›

It is the financial centre of western Canada, based on its key role in the development of the region's oil and gas industry. With its panoramic backdrop of the Rocky Mountains and its historic association with cattle ranching and oil exploration, Calgary is one of Canada's most identifiable cities.

How much is the Calgary Herald ePaper? ›

Just $2/week for 24 weeks, $3.50/week thereafter.

Is Calgary cheap or expensive? ›

Not only is the cost of living in Calgary more affordable, but residents also enjoy better wage rates. According to Statistics Canada data from 2021, the average yearly salary is $61,400.00 in Calgary versus $55,300.00 in Vancouver.

What is Canada's most read newspaper? ›

List of Major Canadian Newspapers: The Toronto Star is the most circulated and most popular newspaper in Canada. It is recorded that the circulation was around 16.1 million copies per week in 2023. In this, around 63% of circulation was paid and 37% was free.

What kind of newspaper is the Herald? ›

The Herald is a Scottish broadsheet newspaper founded in 1783. The Herald is the longest running national newspaper in the world and is the eighth oldest daily paper in the world.

What is the oldest newspaper in Alberta? ›

Newspapers marched west to Macleod

unfolding since 1882. at Fort Macleod, Alta. The Macleod Gazette lays claim to being the oldest newspaper in Alberta. The newspaper has changed owners several times in its history.

What is Calgary known for food? ›

With a nickname like "Cowtown," it's no surprise Alberta beef is a star dish on many restaurant menus. But that's not all your find in Calgary. Local favorites include cheese buns from Glamorgan Bakery, a tasty snack famous in Calgary that is known to sell out fast.

What is the nickname of Calgary? ›

Cowtown and Stampede City are popular nicknames for this city.

How far is Calgary from the US border? ›

The distance between Calgary and United States Customs and Border Protection Sweetgrass Port of Entry is 207 miles. The road distance is 199 miles.

What days is the Calgary Herald printed? ›

Tuesday to Saturday newspaper delivery, including civic affairs, provincial politics, news from the National Post, Financial Post, Opinion, You and Sports. Calgary Herald ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.

How do I cancel Calgary Herald? ›

How do I cancel my subscription? For cancellation requests related to your current home delivery subscription, please email us at or call 1-800-372-9219.

How much is the Herald subscription? ›

The standard cost of a Herald Premium digital subscription costs $6 per week, charged every four weeks (28 days). Alternatively, you can purchase a full year subscription for $199.

What American city is Calgary most like? ›

Calgary = Denver, CO

It's a no-brainer that Calgary and Denver are a match made in heaven. Both are high-altitude corporate hubs with a gorgeous view to the west.

Is Calgary or Vancouver better to live? ›

To sum it up, Calgary offers a lower cost of living than Vancouver and several other major Canadian cities. Furthermore, Calgary's best neighbourhoods offer a quality of life that can rival that of any city. Its weather is sunnier and less rainy than Vancouver, but not as warm. Both cities have prosperous economies.

Which is better to live, Calgary or Toronto? ›

Calgary is more affordable with a lower cost of living, more space per capita, and no provincial sales tax. Toronto is more expensive, with a higher cost of living and a competitive housing market.

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