Food taboos among pregnant and lactating mothers in Osisioma local government area, Abia State, Nigeria | Semantic Scholar (2025)

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@article{Oguizu2024FoodTA, title={Food taboos among pregnant and lactating mothers in Osisioma local government area, Abia State, Nigeria}, author={A. D. Oguizu and Monica Nwankwo}, journal={World Scientific Research}, year={2024}, url={}}
  • A. Oguizu, Monica Nwankwo
  • Published in World Scientific Research 30 December 2024
  • Agricultural and Food Sciences, Sociology

This research delved into the phenomenon of food taboos among rural pregnant and lactating mothers in Osisioma L.G.A. A total of 262 participants were chosen through a simple random sampling method, and a structured questionnaire was utilized to gather data on the socio-demographic and economic characteristics, family structure, food taboos, and feeding practices of the respondents. The study employed a multi-stage sampling technique. Initially, twenty communities were randomly selected from a…

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18 References

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