Study English in China | Study in China | CUCAS in China | Study in China (2024)

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Beihua University
Study English in China | Study in China | CUCAS in China | Study in China (2)
A small city in Jilin Province, Cold in the winter

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courseStartingDateDuration(Hour/Week)Application DeadlinelanguageTuition Fee (RMB)
MBBS in English (Bachelor)Oct.09 20246 YearsOct.30 2024English21,000

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    Study English in China | Study in China | CUCAS in China  | Study in China (2024)


    Can I study in China with English language? ›

    Can you study in China in English? Yes–there are programs taught in English at Bachelor, Master, PhD, and non-degree levels.

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    How much does it cost to learn English in China? ›

    For Adult, in Guangzhou,China, It will usually cost us RMB100-150 per hour to learn English from local training center;And the high end training company like Wall-Street-English-Training-Center will charge us at least RMB25000 for their course; Adult usually are smart spending on their own training, so the market is ...

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    How to study in China as an American? ›

    Study in China via your university

    A study abroad program organized by your current university will be the most expensive option, but it also offers a guarantee of credits for the courses you take in China. Your university may have its own study abroad program or it may be working with a partner organization.

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    How much does it cost to study Chinese in China? ›

    How much will it cost? The tuition fee can vary depending on your Chinese language program. Short-term courses can cost between USD $300 to $2,000. Bachelor's programs can cost between $2,200 to $4,500 yearly while master's and doctoral programs have higher tuition fees depending on the university.

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    Can I study in China for free? ›

    The majority of universities in China offer scholarships for students. These scholarships can cover your tuition fees, as well as the cost of your accommodation. Most of the time, these scholarships are offered to students who apply early, have high grades, or have other exceptional extracurriculars.

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    Can you live in China with only English? ›

    These examples show that in many daily life situations you can get by with English in Beijing, especially if you stick close to the expat areas. Still, you are in China and should not expect Chinese people to be able to speak English. Learning at least some basic Mandarin goes a long way in making daily life easier.

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    Where is the best place to teach English in China? ›

    The Best Places To Teach English in China
    • Beijing: The Cultural Heart of China. ...
    • Shanghai: China's Cosmopolitan Giant. ...
    • Shenzhen: The Innovation Hub. ...
    • Guangzhou: The Southern Gateway. ...
    • Chengdu: The Land of Pandas and Spice. ...
    • Chongqing: The Mountain City. ...
    • Hangzhou: Blend of Nature and Technology. ...
    • Xi'an: A Journey Through History.
    More items...
    Apr 28, 2024

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    What is the age limit to teach in China? ›

    Teachers who work in 2nd or 3rd tier cities are able to teach until 65. In China, if you meet the requirements for a class a work permit, there are no age restrictions. The class a work permit is for high end talent only.

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    Is it a good idea to teach English in China? ›

    Teachers in China can benefit from a high salary and benefits, an excellent quality of life, and valuable work experience. As a country with an enormous international business presence, gaining work experience in China will impress future employers.

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    How many US citizens are studying in China? ›

    The pandemic caused the number of U.S. university students in China to plummet from nearly 12,000 in 2019 to only 211 in 2022. U.S.-China tensions are keeping those numbers low, with only about 700 American students in mainland China today.

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    Can a US citizen go to college in China? ›

    So far, though, the number of Americans choosing to study in China is low. The U.S. government says about 800 American students were in the country this spring.

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    Is studying in China worth it? ›

    In conclusion, studying in China presents many benefits, including high-quality education, cultural enrichment, abundant professional opportunities, affordability, and unique experiences.

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    Where is the cheapest place to study Chinese in China? ›

    There are so many cheap Chinese language programs you can take:
    • Chinese Language Program at Nanjing Forestry University.
    • Chinese Language Program at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology.
    • Long-term Chinese Language Program at Chongqing University.
    May 1, 2024

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    What is the best course to study in China? ›

    Hot Programs
    • Computer Science.
    • Nursing.
    • Software Engineering.
    • Dentistry.
    • Pharmacy.
    • Civil Engineering.
    • Traditional Chinese Medicine.
    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
    More items...

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    Is living in China expensive? ›

    For a family of four, estimated monthly expenses without rent average around 2,016.1 USD (14,583.5 CNY), while a single person's estimated monthly costs are approximately 556.8 USD (4,027.2 CNY). These estimates suggest that living in China is notably less expensive than in the United States.

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    Are universities in China taught in English? ›

    Internationalization is a core component in China's higher education institutions. To achieve this goal, majority of Chinese universities offer English-taught bachelor's programs. All bachelor's degrees conferred by universities in China are accredited and internationally-recognized.

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    Is English widely taught in China? ›

    English is mandatory in Chinese schools, starting from at grade one and continuing through junior and senior high school. Quality of education depends largely if the student lives in a city or a rural area.

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    Can foreigners still teach English in China? ›

    Yes, as a foreign national looking to teach English in China, you will need to obtain a work visa, also known as a Z visa, to legally work in China. To obtain a work visa (Z visa) in China, you need to have a job offer from a sponsoring school that meets certain requirements set by the Chinese government.

    Read On
    What is the English language education policy in China? ›

    China's English education policy has shifted from focusing on improving students' writing skills, English proficiency, and creativity to conducting in-depth research and addressing specific issues, including challenges in linguistics, media influence, educational institutions and programs, online courses, attitudes and ...

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    Article information

    Author: Maia Crooks Jr

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6108

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

    Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Maia Crooks Jr

    Birthday: 1997-09-21

    Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

    Phone: +2983088926881

    Job: Principal Design Liaison

    Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

    Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.