The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)

MARCH 23, 1927 EXCLUSIVE NEWS DISPATCHES POLK COUNTY NEWS BY SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS PAGE THREE MERCHANTS HEAR TAX MEN ON NEW LAW Independence, Mar. 23-The first meeting of the Independence chamber of commerce at which the new president K. L. Williams presided, proved to be one of especlal interest. The chamber entertained as Its guests Fred Holman of Dallas, county assessor and Earl L.

Fisher of Salem member of the state tax commission. Holman made short talk on the new law requiring business men to file a financial report with the assessor for purposes of assessment and explained that its chief aim was equivalent to tax burdens and that it was not a new revenue producer. The president then called upon Fisher who elaborated on Holman's talk and explained the law in detail and the use to which the financlal reports would be put. He stated that the bill was sponsored by the special tax committee created in 1925 and was the result of a thorough investigation made by them, and that its chief purpose was to correct the inequalities, in some degree at least, which so evidently existed between different assessments. Not only, he said, were there marked differences between assessments on different classes of real and personal property but also on different property in the same class.

At the close of his talk Fisher volunteered to answer questions on the matter and his hearers were not slow to seize the opportunity The question came up as to whether or not accounts receivable should be reported without regard to whether or not they were all collectable. Mr. Fisher replied that they should be reported at book value with a notation as to their probable worth so that the county assessor might make an adjustment. Mr. Fisher then stated that at a meeting of the tax commission Tuesday morning it was decided to the item of income from the financial report and that it had been further decided to excuse professional men from making the statement.

Fisher was asked what would be the result in all individual case if the report was not made. He then explained that the forms sent out were the tax commission's idea of the best way to get the information and he was not prepared to say what would be done in such a contingency. Fisher believes that returns will be generally made but some of the local men do not agree with him. It was also suggested that the agitation stirred up by the administering of this law would react unfavorably against the income tax. Fisher however, stated that he believed the new law was misunderstood in a large number of cases and that when it has been in operation for a year or two it would meet general approval thru out the state nor would it have any adverse effect on the proposed income tax law.

GOES TO SPRINGFIELD Independence, Mar. K. Barnell has left for Springfield where he will take up his duties as manager of the Mountain States Power company in that city, Mrs. Barnell and daughter plan to join Mr. Barnell In a few weeks.

Roy Russell, a former resident here who has been residing In Albany has been assigned as manager of this district. CLASS HAS SURPRISE West Salem, Mar. 23-The birthday anniversary of Miss Sebern's The brought a surprise party and dinner by the youthful members of her girls' Sunday school class at the Instigation of Gertrude Cannell. Miss Marie Fox acted as hostess. Games and music filled the hours pleasantly.

About 35 little guests were present. MOVES FROM MONMOUTH Independence, Mar. F. Pettit, manager of the Standard 011 company in this district, has moved here from Monmouth. Mr.

and Mrs. Pettit have leased one of the bungalows of Homer Wood on Third street, which he has recently completed. De LAKE BOOMING Independence, Mar. L. Gaines has returned from Le Lake where he has been spending a part of his time and he reports things as booming in that community.

Four new business buildings are being erected and other buildings are also going up. PARTY IS GIVEN West Salem, Mar. boys of the junior league were hosts at A luncheon under the direction of Mra. C. H.

Burleigh, when they entertained the girls of the league. CORNS Lift Off- No Pain! FREEZONE Doesn't hurt one bit! Drop a littie "Freezone" on an aching corn, Instantly that corn stops hurting. then shortly you lift It right off with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the toot calluses, without soreness or Irritation. PIANO AND CHAIRS SAVED FROM BLAZE Dallas, March home of Abe Ewert on Fairmount avenue was destroyed by fire Monday night.

The blaze is thought to have started from the kitchen during the absence of the family. It had gained a great deal of headway before the alarm was given and the fire department was handicapped by the distance from a fire hydrant. Everything except the piano and two rockers was lost. Outbuildings containing chickens caught from the house but were saved by the fire fighters. The house was Insured.

NEW TEACHERS GET DIPLOMAS AT MONMOUTH8 Monmouth Mar. 23. Fortythree students were graduated from the normal Wednesday. The exercises were ifnormal. Special music and address by President Landers constituting the program.

Those who received their diplomash were David Ankrome, Portland; Marion Bennett, Independence, Mary Beougher, Albany; Loulsa Binley, Elvira Blair, Portland; Dores Brown, Portland; bel Chapman, North Bend; Irene Clossen, Nyssa; Isabelle Cole, Brogan; Ossie Davidson, Haines; Louise Dodson, North Powder; Mable Dotson, Salem; Eva Duncan, Cove; Winifred Hardison, Portland; Edwina L. Hennings, Camas, Bessie Higby, Albany; Nellie Hilficker, Monmouth; Jean Hogshire, Portland; Norma Hope, Joseph; Roxanna Hottel, Monmouth, Elmer Jackman, Dayton, Sadie Kaser, Freewater; Laird Kauk, Monmouth; Margaret Klann, Madras; Marie Klages, Crabtree; Ella Mackay, Astoria; Norma Moffet, Indiana, Okla; Marda Mayer, Spray; Audrey McCune, Eugene; Lyla MeKenney, Estacada; Vidi Mills, St. Helens; Stella Moser, Sweet Home; Myrtle Neeley, Coquille, Gladly Plore, Surver; Goldie Roberts, Lakeside; Mezelle Rollwage; Tigard; Donald Skeen, Monmouth; Ceeil Small, Milton; Ruth Stewart, Lena Timm, Salem; Ruth Tollefson, Reynolds, N. CornelTomese, Centralia, Evelyn White, Portland. CLASS ENTERTAINED Amity, March Young peoples' class of the Methodist church Sunday school were entertained in the church parlors by their teacher, Prof.

F. Ford. A delicious luncheon was served and the evening was spent in playing various interesting games and mu- West Salem. March Farrar of Salem with assistant postmaster were here and with the committee appointed by E. D.

Cook, president of the community club, inspected West Salem with a view to recommending city delivery as recently unanimously petitioned for by the residents. No public statement regarding their observations has been made. GUESTS AT WILLIAMS Independence, March and Mrs. J. L.

Clark, former of this city, have arrived here from Los Angeles and are spending a few days at the M. C. Williams home. They are on their way to Montana where Clark has interests in oil wells. STUDENTS ARE HOME Independence, March home for the spring vacation are Miss Florence Beardsley, Marian Barnum, Faith Kimball and Bill Baker "Oregon;" Helen Knott and Fay Irvine, Willamette; Thelma Williams, 0.

A. C. ON BUSINESS TRIP Independence, March E. HIll, manager of the Walker Canning company, left for Portland F. Tuesday on business.

He plans to remain in the city for several days. has WILL STUDY BIRDS West Salem, Mar. Nature study club met at the home of Josephine Tandy on Franklin street. The study of early spring birds and their habits will be taken up for next Sunday, when they meet at the home of Ruth Maerz. How Does She Do It! (Not a Hair Out of Place!) Do you know the very best way to make hair stay just as you have dressed it? Simply a few drops of Danderine! Try it, and you'll never want to use sticky dressings again-or even brillihntine.

A little Danderine on the scalp actually dissolves every particle of dandruff scale, and leaves the head absolutely CLEAN. But stroke A few drops through the hair (use your comb or a Danderine dampened towel) and see how well it looks and behaves! Any permanent wave or water wave lasts much longer and looks much nicer when Danderine le used instead of water to "get" the wave. Ask Your Druggist Get a bottle of Danderine and start Its benefit today. Every drug store in America It, for only 35c. For the finest dressing you could find, and the best aid to hair health yet discovered, Just try- Danderine WALK, SEWER PROJECTS GIVEN CITY APPROVAL Dallas, March 23-Resolutions authorizing an extensive concrete, an sidewalk extension of program the city for sewer 1927 system to serve the Industrial district were passed by the city counell Monday night.

This clears the way to get the improvements start. ed some time in April or early May. The sidewalks include numerous bad order sections in practically all parts of the city. The council set September 1, 1927, as the time for completion of the projects. The sewer as planned would extend south on Uglow avenue from Maple street with a lateral connection running west on Birch street.

July 15 was fixed as the date for completion of this work. Public hearings on the two projects will be set at the next meeting of the council. An emergency ordinance changIng the city parking system to headin was introduced. It will take effeet as soon as passed, which will probably be at the April 4 council meeting. Provision is made to allow commercial vehicles to park back in while discharging freight.

The danger of promiscuous use streets for skating was brought up and the city marshal instructed to designate streets where children may skate all day Saturday. It will be forbidden on other days. MATTOX IS FINED ON LIQUOR CHARGE Dallas, March Mattox charged with operating a still on his ranch near Airlie, changed his former plea to guilty before Justice of the Peace Gregory on Tuesday and received a fine of $500. Mattox, first appeared In court days ago and entered his plea, with the undertsanding that he could change it. He has been in jail since.

Refus Ferguson, hired man on the Mattox place, 1s now in Jail in connection with the case, charged with operating the still. He was not arrested when officers raided the place but later investigations lead to placing the charge against him. Ferguson will be arraigned later in the week, MISS WILLIAMS HOME Independence, March Thelma Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.

C. Williams of this city, who is a member of the O. A. C. Glee and Madrigal club, spent Wednesday of this week with her The tour the club latter will part leave of on the A week and is scheduled to appear at Roseburg, Klamath Falls, Prineville and Bend.

Miss Williams, who 1s a freshman at the college, will be the cello soloist. MIll City, Mar. spring weather is bringing out the athletes of the Mill City high school In force. They have power grader working on their track, and will go in strong for track work. Prospects are now that there will be no baseball team, but they expect to enter the country track meet at Salem.

Tennis 1s being talked strong this spring and no doubt a number will take it up. Now! '15 TO San Francisco on fast special coach train every Tuesday and Friday Leave Salem 10:12 a. m. Arrive Ban Francisco 11:30 a. m.

next day Only 25 hours, no faster, safer service than this. Every Travel Comfort Roomy Coaches and reclining Chair Cars. Observation free to all. Special DinIng and Lunch Car Service. Usual Free Baggage allowance 150 pounds.

Similar service and fare returning from Ban Prancisco at 8:40 a. m. every Wednesday and Saturday. Ticket Diffues 184 N. Liberty Street A.

A. Mickel, F. P. A. PHONE 8 0 Southern Pacific STUDENTS DEVOTING ATTENTION TO TRACK Independence, March students attending O.A.C.

were arrested Traffic Genn Monday evening for a car Wow Officers with illegal lights. They were taken before Justice Baker and fined $10 costs. The boys were unable to fine and as they and, had examinations to take at the college this week, Judge Baker accepted their note for the amount of the fine and let them go. The boys stated that they were getting ready to go to Alaska to work and would send the amount just as soon as they had it. RICKREALL NOW HAS SCHOOL OF CITY STANDARD Monmouth, Mar.

school at Rickreall has been changed from a school of rural standing to that of city school. Not long ago a new dormitory was built for the practice teachers and it will be large enough to accommodate the girls that will go there at the beginning of the new term next Monday. Great care has been taken in selecting the eighteen girls to start the new work. Only seniors of high rank were chosen, Most of them have had college work ranging from one to four years and a great many are experienced teachers. Their names are: primary under Miss Donaldson's supervision; Thelma Beach, Edna Drake, Georgin Finley, Florence Snow, Fannie Todd and Olga Uotilla.

Intermedlate under Miss Emmon's supervision, Beatrice Anderson, J. Kendall Burkhead, Elva Clakman, Verna Hart, Dorothy Kiber, Selma Tark. Advanced, under Miss Bonner's supervision, Effie Ellis, Grace Easterbrook, Marjorie Logan, Elleen O'Brien, Hovey B. Stoneman and Ethel Thieness. FACULTY.

DEFEATED BY TOWN PLAYERS Moncouth, Mar. town team defeated the normal school Faculty team 13 to 11 Monday in the normal gymnasium. The game was hard fought but not very fast. The town team consisted of Hossler, Sellers, Tilton, Winegar and Smith. The faculty men were Dodds, Christensen, Barnett, Ray and Eell, OFFICES OPENED Dallas, March E.

C. McCallon, who recently purchased the dental offices of Dr. A. C. Bailey, took over the offices Monday.

Dr. and Mrs. Bailey plan leave soon on a trip to Los Angeles and Long Beach, to visit with his parents. BENNETTS PARENTS BENNETTS PARENTS Falls City, Mar. 23-Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Bennett are the parents of a daughter, born March 18th. The young Miss has been named Argil Arlene. DEATH TAKES AMITY COUPLE DURING WEEK Amity, March services were held from the Christian church Monday afternoon for Orta Beeler, 36, who at the McMinnville hospital Saturday, after an illness of a few hours duration. Rev.

Dwight L. Hackett was In charge with Interment in the Amity cemetery. Beeler was born near Amity, June 13, 1891, and with the exception of five years spent near Selo, lived in the community his entire life. He was a member of the church since 1912. He 1s survived by a half brother, T.

W. Dickey of Amity, a half-sister, Mrs. C. Sheldon of Portland and three Air and one half-brother in California. Amity, March E.

G. Hopkins of this city passed away in Portland early Monday morning after an Illness of several years. She is survived by her husband, E. G. Hopkins, and her three-year-old daughter, Betty.

Funeral services and interment will be at LaCenter, Wash. The Hopkins family came here about two years ago. LEAGUE ADDRESSED Amity, March Helen Miles of Falls City, district secretary of the Epworth League organization, visited the league here Sunday evening. A fellowship hour was held from 5 to 6:20 during which time a luncheon of sandwiches, pie and chocolate was served. Miss Miles addressed the league during the regular meeting, her subject was the importance of tithing.

WEST SALEM The picture show presented by C. E. Greene, Friday evening, under the auspices of the community club was a splendid production and well attended. The purpose of the club is to purchase new chairs for the community basem*nt and Increase the seating capacity thereof. The old depot building has been removed from near the entrance to Kingwood park which will be a great Improvement to this end of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chase and family of Brownsville, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Steward of Johnson avenue.

Mr. Steward and Mr. Chase were childhood acquaintances. The ladies aid meets this afternoon at Mrs. Hunt's.

Midweek prayer meeting convenes on Thursday evening with Homer Barber as class leader. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin W. Meade and daughter, Miss Lenore, and Alvin GRIP Check before it starts.

Rub -inhale vapors WICKS Over 21 Million Jare Used Yearly W. Meade were week-end tors in Portland. Mrs. F. S.

Cannell, who has been confined at home with sickness the past ten days, is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and daughter, Miss Viola and Earl Cook of Turner were recent guests here. Mr.

and Mrs. George Cherrington of Salem were recent guests at the C. A. Robertson home. Cherrington is a recent Investor in real estate here and plans the erection of a modern home here at an early date.

James Studwick and Kenneth Yeomen of Stayton were visitors on Sunday afternoon at the Conrad Fox home. A. Committi was a Portland visItor over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Conrad Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keizel of Salem spent Sunday in Dallas visiting friends. Mr. Giddens, who has lately established headquarters in Roseburg, was at home here over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Guffee from Brunk's Corners were here visiting with their daughter, Mrs. J. E.

Summers and family, Major Robertson made a business Waterman's Fountain Pens and Pencils 8 For Sale at Commercial Book Store STRIKE) (LUCKY TOASTED" CIGARETTES LUCKY STRIKES are smooth and mellow -the finest cigarettes you ever smoked. They are kind to your throat. Why? All because they are made of the finest Turkish and domestic tobaccos, properly aged and blended with great skill, and there is an extra process in treating the tobacco. "It's toasted" Your Throat Protection to Portland, Tuesday morning. Mr.

Austin of Salem was looking up business affairs here recently. Floyd, from Miles Third and family, have the little red bungalow near Senate and Franklin streets. Look for the word "Midy' and Pkg's. Sold Everywhere Judge Wm.M.° Coats Says -Here are FOUR Perfect Feeds for Chicks The Fisher Flouring Mills Company, manufactures four perfect feeds which respond to every requirement from the time a chick is born until it reaches the age of six months. These four feeds are Fisher's Chick Starter Milk Mash, Fisher's Chick Feed, Fisher's Developing Mash and Fisher's Growing Feed.

Fisher's Chick Starter Milk Mash should be fed until chicks are three weeks old when they are ready -for a gradual change to Fisher's Developing Mash which should be fed until pullets are six months of age. Take ten days to make the change. Both of these feeds contain pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Powdered Buttermilk and Minerals--all most helpful in avoiding white diarrhoea, leg weakness and other chick ailments. Tune in on Fisher's Chick Feed should be fed in conKOMO junction with Fisher's Chick Starter Milk Mash until the chicks are four or five weeks old, depending upon their development, when they should be gradually changed to Fisher's Growing Feed, taking ten days to make the change. The Fisher Flouring Mills Company, Home Office, See attle, will you on request a complete book on the subject gladly, Chick Raising by Judge W.

M. Coats. Ask also for Fisher's Feeding Schedule by Judge Coats. ASK FOR FEEDS at D. A.

WHITE SONS, Salem Kidney and Bladder Pain Promptly Eased by SANTAL MIDY P. sure to get the Genuine Sure Relief BELL-ANS INDIGESTION 6 BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION sic. A A SAT SATE NOW PLAYING TO CAPACITY HOUSES Shows Shows Start Start 3 2:00 7:00 4:00 A GHS CAPITOL 4:00 9:00 7:00 2:00 9:00 Jules Verne's Mightiest Melodrama LoveIntrigue- Scente Adventure Cast of Splendor In Natural Colors 4,000 Horsem*n MICHAEL STROGOFF The Giant Spectacle of 1000 Wonders A great sweeping picture of thrills, adventure and overwhelming scenes With a Marvelous Musical A Interpretation By Samuel Phelps Totten At the Ascending Wurlitzer New York Paid $2.20 a Seat AT POPULAR PRICES See It Here at Regular Prices Matinee 35c 10c Evening 50c AD.

The Capital Journal from Salem, Oregon (2024)
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