The San Diego Sun from San Diego, California (2024)

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The San Diego Suni

San Diego, California

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as IHOMETOWMPAGEl SECTIOfrm 'CALENDAR MONDAY JULY I 1930 BANDITBINDS CLOUD HOPPER ledgling No 7 OICIALS SAY Tuition On Stage MAY BE WOUNDED i fcAa froa UA trJMXfor CaUn 7:30 Ar Caliente 11:35 VOJ3tr Caltentei 8:1 charge of arrangements forthe the entire program would be open meeting to the public I SAN DIEGO'S SECOND 8 setback beauty 72 '82 instruc was set TOMATO CHOP LARGE Prospects for record breaking shipments pt tomatoes from San Diego county Ute this summer are seen by fruit packers and ship pers representatives of the Union Pacific a A A and Santa said today While acreages are heavier than usual late frosts in the middle west and extreme heat are said to have rulmd so much of the crop in other localities thatSan Diego county growers can ex pect record prices 62 84 PLAN OR PICNIC City employes of the operating department will hold their annual picnic at Poway grove 22 miles north of Ran Diego Sunday Aug 10 ree coffee ice cream and lemonade with horseshoe minia ture golf and a band concert will be entertainment features It ro So hot set root eopr'ot The Bun hr 820 8 te can W'Maln S121 nnd special cost Win bo sent ta your address 17 Dealers Will Handle Affairs Affecting Badness Men Affairs affecting retail mer chants oL the' city have been placed under the direction of a committee of 17 dealers selected from the membership of the Mer JUDGE ORDERS NEW TRIAL IN WILL CASE IN SUMMER SCHOOL Sixty pupils have been enrolled in St parish summer school in National city ather Meehan the pastor rid todaj SO going to have a Refuge or Homeless milk bottles a place where a milk bottle with the right instincts can find a cosy place to grow uuo by experts at seven trips to the would be considerably lengthened if they would quit this running around away from home according to persona who have time to worry about a milk battle's peccadillos in the first place INGRAM INSITTUTE Is TO HEAR LIBRARIAN STUDYINQUEST A dapper young bandit wbn held up Bowman of Owensmontb after Bowman had given him a ride from San Diego to Coyote Wells In Im perial Valley took his ear and subsequently escaped from ana of Sheriff Ed depu ties was being sought by posses near Dcanso today Deputy Sheriff red Buck fired four shots at the holdup man a he climbed the side of a mountain near Ryan's store at Descanso and believes he might have wounded him he notified Cooper Bowman made the robber's ac quaintance tn San Diego early Saturday and offered to give him a free ride to 13 Centro The young man was a good traveling companion until the ear neared Coyote Wells Bowman told officers BINDS GAGS VICTIM "Then he whipped out a re volver and told me to stop my Bowman Mid "After did he ordered me to get out Ho bound and gagged me and tied me to a tree Then he took my ear and waving farewell went on bacig toward 8an Harry Courts a Descanso me chanic and one of spe cial deputies met the bandit about two miles east of Descanso He arrested him and brought him back to store "He seemed a nice sort of fel rank Ryan the storekeep er said "He didn't put up any fight and admitted taking the car Courts searched him but I guess he didn't find the pistol because the minute Harry went out on a Job he pulled his gun and told ma to get outside He wanted to taka my rifle but I told him ha better leave it alone So he did Then he ran away toward the high brush Meanwhile the sheriff had been notified and they came in GUNS MISSING Except for the glimpse of the man caught by Buck he has not been seen by the officer The posse was investigating a report today that two women who lived near the old Vlrjas grade had given breakfast to a man answering the description of th? bandit Two shotguns carried by Bow man in his car are missing and officials believe the bandit has hidden them for later use The man is said to be between 20 and 25 yean old about 5 feet 10 Inches tall weighs about 155 pounds wears light gray trousers and is Batlas ana coatleos Rubin Ritthaler 52 is in the city jail today because he has a penchant for: pulling 'police of ficer's coat tails and shouting "Hello Ritthaler was given a six months suspended sentence to the coupty road camp In police court last Saturday when he was found guilty 5 of being: a vagrant When he was released from jail after the trial he sat down on the sidewalk in front of the police station and refused to budge After he was persuaded to leave Reports from officers on the various beats showed that his as sociation with police had been pleasant for he Insisted on calling them "brother" A Smith re arrested him and he will be up before Judge Chambers today charged with violation of a sus pended sentence LEGIONNAIRES MEET' ATJACUMBA HOTEL tM me tm rm tvm te tUln IM ttanasHte Miter Main 811V needed money and my room rent was due The diary says: "New Yean today for some but just rent day to me Gosh wish I could make a lot of money somehow I believe 1'11 do some more records of some kind I want a real honest to goodnem job in flying and Pm going to get It was on New Year's day that I started planning on the re cent altitude flight and the en durance flight yet to come inancial necessity coupled with my desire to f)r better than anyone else were father and mother to the ambition and within a month I had taken my first steps and then comes the story of the "Off On Gone innegan" period when all my blocks were knocked over each time set them up TOMORROW The falling blocks Conclusion be thrown with evil companions Incidentally such a milk bot tle will make some 70 tripe to Ban Diogo doorsteps instead of the seven now made by his careless brothers' all very official with Gov Young at ths helm and a lot of dairy osmii backing the move Other part of the stat al ready have milk bottle clearing houses where all wandering bot tle are sorted spanked and sent back home More than MOOOMO bottle Officer Resent Hi Pulling Their And Shouting 1 ASKS TAX SLASH MAY GET RAISE Plea of the Rancho Santa Mar garita for an assessment cut may result in a sharp increase county officitl revealed today Investigation by the supervisors of th ranch owners' plea for a1131130 cut has shown that County Assessor George Moulton ha ignored the $4350 000 value set on the jranch by the board last year Believing the Tax ap praisal for the ranch of 22750000 too low the board last yar added 11800000 This year Moulton re verted to the Tax actors figure and added 11131110 for valuable water rights allegedly won by the ranch during the year The ranch owner are contend ing the water rights were not won until after March Is date when property becomes assessable Casaurasg Housekeeper Mu 4 ight To Koep Estate The verdict that the last Trill of the late Jean Caxaurang eccentric Escondido rancher was through the undue influ ence of Robert Carrey Lo An geles attorney has been set aside by Judge Lacy Jennings Jennings ruled there was insuf ficient evidence to justify th verdict that the verdict was con trary to law and that there had been trial errors Marie Lees former housekeeper of Cazaurang had contested the will She was bequeathed per cent of the 750000 estate in an other will which she is seeking to probate Mi Tor Sunrise 4:51 a sun set i aoeariee 10:12 8:11 a ILE PROTEST IN WATER CASE Cornelia Plaister To Describe Beading Influenees Miss Cornelia Plaister 'City librarian will address the Ingram Institute at dts noon luncheon in the Cabrillo cafe Wednesday Her subject will deal with grad uates who continue after school studies and become social assets MOTORIST TO TREE LEES Dr Alex Lesem city health of fl eer today was ordered to grant a cream selling permit to Thomas Hester Jr providing he compile with health department regula tions The issuance of the order climaxed a lively tilt between Councilman Alexander and Lesem in which the former de clared he favored firing Lesem if he "didn't give every creamery an equal chance" "Well you can't force me to give this boy a permit through any political pressure" shot back Lesem Lesem then explained Hester thought he knew it all and had tried to import raw milk and cream into San Diego from dairies in Imperial valley which were "worn than many local hog ranches" The health officer took Hester to task for tying up his hands with a temporary injunction "I am about through with this man because he played fair with cried Lesem Commenting on charges by Hester that Lesem was discrimi nating against him and using the authority of his office to attack him personally Mayor Harry Clark who controls appointment of the health board told Lesem he would insist the boy receive the same treatment a other milk dealers "Even if I comply with his regulations he give me a permit" objected Hester Goun cllmen however told him to liv up to the rules and they would see to it he was given his permit Hester charged that Lesem is permitting two local creameries to have a monopoly on 95 percent of all dream sold to ice cream manu facturers here The superior court recently denied application for a permanent injunction to restrain Lesem from destroying milk and cream sold without a permit Mountain 'Empire Post Members Hosts At Barbecue San Diego county and Imperial valley Legionnaires'inet yesterday at Jacumba for a barbecue and business meeting of 'the twenty second Legion district Headquarters were at the Vaughn hotel LeRoy Bailey dis trict commander presided at the business sessions Members of the Mountain Em pire postf com posed of Jacumba and Campo Legionnaires were in Above: Miss Alexander during her student days at Pacific Technical university Inset Her record breaking plane Be low: Miss Alexander photo graphed from the co*ckpit of her ship a she cranked propel ler xcMnceelubaXH Colonial room Grant hoteL Oabrillo TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULES This week's program of free park trips under direction of rank Van Valin Grant school principal will start tomorrow Parties are limited to 15 chil dren with buses leaving each city playground at 9:30 a and 1:30 except from playgrounds at Ocean Beach and La Jolla where buses leave half an hour earlier This trips are as fohovrs: Tuesday morning La Jolla play ground to zoo afternoon Rose Park to art gallery Wednesday morning remont playground to San Diego museum afternoon City Recreation pier to Natural History museum Thursday morn ing Memorial to art gallery after noon Golden Hill to zoo riday morning Central to Natural His tory museum: afternoon Univer sity Heights to San Diego museum epHINOS haven't been going to well with San milk bottles The Is they have been 'living fast Uvea and end up In the city dump when they should ibe in their prime Milk bottles it seems are quite the rakes of the Ice box and spend their days in brief but tempestuous career refus ing to return home nights and acting up in general Their span of estimated HL OH ft 13:42 pm41 pm 28 ft Trio PickedsUp During Night ByWrgintoJ "Three Diego boys were res cued by theJ5tar and Crescent tug 'Virginia last night the tug Iound the sailboat becalmed out side the channel 1 The Virginia passed a line to and it into port JohnlAWBon'SkipperoLthe tug failed target the name of the three occupants of the boat and because pf fog was unable to make out Its name The boysrtold Lawson they had to the community as a result of beenecalmed for sixjiours advanced education nnnBATtnus (Hithtet lownt lt niiht) BAN jgfTit! tiiimi i 78 Boston 78 CMetto 70 Denver Yreano wg Galveston Kansas Citr Los AnrelM rew vimmuxb Hew Tork 'Phoenix Pittsbersh Portland Sacramento St Leals St 1 Paul Ban rancisco Washiimton Tuma COUNCIL MIXES IN DAIRY ROW termined than ever to continue my aviation studies until was satisfied with my progress Ground school In the evening at the 'Pacific Technical school when the weather was flying Practicing dives and spins and other maneuvers Abrocatlcs and still the land ings I was still not completely satisfied with the landings al though they seemed to sattfy everyone else About this time a gift of 9100 from the Great Lakes Aircraft Corp helped a lot My flying log book shows that I was learning vertical bands and thediary say I was "hap pier and happier as I learn more and more Been doing aU these (maneuvers) solo too and for all I love acrobatics my Russell parachute seems good to me each time start into a MW YEARS day I was still worried about finances WEEKLY PARK PROGRAM SET Jacob Squires president of the association announced ap pointment of the following: Louis Weggenman Hugh Strong Carleton Guy Miller I Banbough Harry Blumberg Ar mand Claire Nelson Ouasti Irwin Brockett poole Beaty ted Oazlay Samuel I ox Harry Callaway Whitney Dolan National City Chamber Wants $35000001nsti tutionfor Veterans Low8ee 7280 60 72 72 82 60 68 64 66 SEEK LOCATION OR HOSPITAL Suitable sites for possible con structlon of a $3500000 hospital are being sought by the National City Chamber of Com merce 7 4 The action follows Introduction of a bill In congress presented by Phil Swing pro viding for construction of such a Jhospitaliin one of the lO of the state Work of securing the site is be ing carried on'tn an getthe hospital to this county Mem bers of the National City Chamber committee in charge of site selec tion are Rolph Burleigh Bagnall and Rice CAREREE DAYS OVER OR I BOTTLES have been handled by the ex change TNCIDENTALLY the operation A of the clearing house will bring with it enforcement of an other law a misdemeanor not to use diligent efforts to return milk bottle to their rightful owners This contributing to the de linquency of milk bottles must stop according to Dr McDonald chief oLthe state dairy bureau 1 PARK ROW Al Another San Diego county committee has added its protest to the government's permit to re move the Capitan Grande Indians from their present reservation El Cajon city officials an nounced they have sent a mes sage to the secretary of the interior In Washington requesting cancellation of the government's permit do remove the Indians The removal is planned so the grounds may be used a a reser voir site for San Diego The city step was explained by El Cajon officials as being in sup port of the La Mesa irrigation district's move to prevent the pro cedure District officials are trying to obtain a reversal of the wtate su preme court decision which gavs the cjty of San Diego priority water rights of the San Diego river RETAIL COMMITTEE NAMED XDrrOR'S WOTX: Vrhen Huth' Aimnder BnrtieS hw Barlin rnonotlri ta around 2000 Rate altitude riday ovr Llndberyh tteld It vaa a nev aehiavement for alrl who haa fouaht lend hattie atalnet odde ot alckneae and leak of fund to win reooenltlon a a flrer The eame plucky spirit which caused her to ms the plane op on riday's fllcht until oxysen wss exhausted resulting in uncon 'sclousnessU mealed In her own stonr ot her rtrusiles continued below By RUTH ALEXANDER easier to fly than answer questions Myfirst experience with questioners convinced ma of that and the first experience came Nov 18 after I had taken the Great Lakes plane to better than 18000 feet 1 The flight was easy enough All I had to do was sit in the' plane end jockey it up into the air It was thrilling but it was c'old 'At 18000 feet it seem to want to go any higher and tkere was nothing to but come down fBECALMED IN YACHT when It started or ended Gen Terry (M Terry Coronado) and his wife gave me 100 all my own Oh gee I love them I love everybody going to keep on always" WITH my ioo I bought more time in the air school and from a theater the result of my altitude earned another $100 which went ror more Dying tlon It looked like I for smooth sailing Then came another I lost my lob in the parlor It as bad as it might have been for I had paid my rent It bothered me but I was flying and after all flying was what I wanted to do There Was a job around someplace rom then until Christinas I spent most of my time studying and flying I spent a day in the Russell parachute factory watching them make chutes' and hearing of the methods used was permitted to pack a few just for fun But Christmas eve brought my first real pangs of home sickness I spent the evening with and Mrs Terry I had a lovely time They were wonderful to so wonderful In fact that I didn't see how I was going to stay away from mother and daddy much longer WORKING and studying helped put the homesick ness out of the way and with my record made my private pilot's license earned was more de liuurlM Injuries Year's death 1 DIAL SPOTS KOO General Motote amily rtr rederick Jasel Metropoli tan Opera Oo tenor vlU be featured in a procram ot Iota sonsa K8D (KBO) tn Btranbet Crl son procram The Rochester Civic or chestra in UsM' classles K1U 7:30 Polltleal by Mayor Rolph of San rancisco candidate for coventor KGB i rtUc ThIs Is th Md of tn new srl KNX 8:30 Radio Detec How modern 'number ar often baaed on old claaalM will be revealed 1 TUESDAY' MEETINGS OoUmit'clubJ aeon Gold soom'GoMea Lion tavern" San Yacht club Chine room Golden Lion tavern TEST NEW SHIP our ln One Glider AndSailplane Will Take Air Wednesday IBY Bin ta SD1 for Rorth TjSOmju 7:00 am 8:15 10:30 nja 13:40 i pnu 12:50 pm Pnu pm 4:00 pm 5:00 i BJO 5:30 a :5 aaa aax 12:40 pm 6:40 pjd 6:50 Pnu 699 ipjn 8:00 pjn Pm Pk pm 3:30 11 for eat JOOP 1 'from east 1:05 71irmxh bu to Lone Beaol tturdaronlr tsundavonly BY WATKR A Steamship Go Iv 'BD tor Sunday Tuesday Thursday riday a ar BO from north MBundayl 'Wednesday Thursday Saturday 8 ayUA from SJ Sunday Tueaday Th uxadxr riday 2 'Admiral line 1 7 Iv 8D for Monday aaldnlaht frfvnftny 94i' ar BD from Monday nu Saturday 5 a tv SD tor Saturday I WEATHER 3 atr tonlsM ind Tuesday po material chance In tempera i 4 San rancisco Bar Redon: air end tonlpht and Tuesday but to Tues i day morninc Moderate west wind Northern California: air tonlchl and: Tuesday but foe Tuesday mornins on the coast continued hlsn in the interior moderate to treih north to north west winds oft shore Sierra Nevada: air and mild tonlsht And Tuesday sentie variable winds Sacramento Santa Clara and San Joe uuln vallere: air tonlrht and Tuesday continued warm centle variable winds if BY BAK a Sant a LvDJor LA: 8:00 2:100 8:300 13:10 terJUAJmD 7:30 8:00 2:000 1:00 ArJMXftaJaA 1:000 San'Dleso A Arison oast SilSo £rJX irate at450 10:30 Mddtt (Ltodbarsh iaM) JteJUA ftosa SJX 8:25 Councilmen Declare They Were Misunderstood On Budget Stand Lesem And Alexander Clash Over ight or Permit PlayfufRubin Worry To Police Deputy Sheriff ires our Shots At ugitive Highwayman Alr'Xxpreas (Ryan Lv IX'far paa Ar from IX 0:45 pun Ar 0 IX from A Lv a a tor east 6:35 8 a a lOft Ate Airmail to 4Mt Vta'Xfc AeBOd Salt 14k 'tAlrtMil from tut rt 1 A and Salt Lak WW KTYt 80104 84 66ao2 88 72 72 92ioa fXDfit JOB TOMOBBOW mi Kn fMW tul aa 4 A BUSINESS GROWTH Bulldins permit today 8 1648 00 Year to date 3f6018700 2'515 Keeping the "log" on the flight much bother but I learned something very valu able On this flight I took the temperatures at various alti tudes from the co*ckpit of the plane and the result was the temperatures failed to check with the altitude registered' by my altimeter when the baro meter was studied by officials In Washington The heat of the caused the temperature chart to Indi cate much lower altitude than the barograph showed and so the 18000 feet was cut to nearly 15000 feet when the altitude was computed IHAD my first real look at San Diego on this flight The whole country seemed to melt and run together as I until At 18000 feet it was Just a big color scheme Of course I could recognize land marks like North Island Point Loma and the bay but all de tail had disappeared I was all over the newspapers People looked at me like I was something in the zoo A rare specimen out of Its cage EveryT body wanted to ask questions and did HoVr could I answer I was scared but not for long because I still re ceived vny private test On Nov 21 I passed the test land on Nov 22 I was the guest of honor at a dinner what the diary says: Nov 22 Big dinner tonight with me IT It was like beingin a dream 1 never did know Posses Search Descanso Area or Trace Of Robber Museums And Art Gallery Have To Close Officials State Cajon City Council De mands Indians Keep Reservation District Aides To Are Gray 'Transcript Transcript from the inquest In which Barbara Gray was held re sponsible lor the death of Mr and Mrs York was In the hands of the district attorney today Action inthe case has been held up pending receipt of the tran script Oran Muir deputy district attorney: said today that as soon as the transcript was filed he would Hcdnfer with other county officials Witnesses at the inquest said that: Barbara Gray struck Mr and Mrs York In the crosswalk at Garnet av at Lamont st Pa cific Beach on the night of July 1 Mrs York was Instantly killed and York died July 5 The returned a verdict blaming Miss Gray driver of the car the two deaths' Henry Churchman lieuten ant of police in charge of the traf fic detail jspent more than an hour ixv conference with Muir yes terday Churchman it believed asked fora manslaughter war rant 7 Van Valen To Take Children On Series Of Tours The "four In combination glider sailplane1 revolved by Haw ley president of the Bow lus Sailplane Co will make its first public appearance Wednes day on Lindbergh ield sBowlus designer of the sailplane in which Col and Mrs Charles A "Lindbergh learned soar and in which Jack Barstow set a world soaring record of 15 hours has redesigned the ship to meet all motorless planetrequirements Byuslng a canvass jacket on the co*ckpit of' Jhe shlp it can be converted into an amphibian cap able of landing on water By addition of wing sections craft can be 'converted wingless kindergarten ship for beginners into a primary type glider ondarytype glider and" sailplane The kindergarten type without the wings is designed to teach be glnners the knack of using the and 'elevators In the primary class' J18 foot 'wings are attached to the center section and the glider used tosglvc the students practice jin ground skimming or the sec ondary type a foot center wing section is replaced by a 14 foot The last stage is that of 4h sailplane resembling 'the caft used by the The land ing gear is removed and the can vass jacket Is put on Bowlus has been working on the new combi nation ship for several months CLUB ANNOUNCES PRIZES OR PICNIC North Park BubIdms Men to Stage All Day Prognun More than 200 prizes will be given away when North' Park business men hold their annual picnic at Crystal Pier Pacific Beach Bunday Harmer chairman for the event an nounced today ree coffee and lemonade will be furnished' Miniature goIfT horsehoe shuffleboard games and fishing are planned The program starts at 9:30 axn One of the entertainment features vrill be a scramble for 30 live chickens to be given to anyone catching them Club officer announced that Th council never contemplated the closing of three Balboa park institutions through budget cuts officials declared today as a citi zens delegation was being mob ilized to call on the council to morrow A Councilmen explained they did not order the park board to retain its present working force under a $180000 budget for next year which would have forced the clos ing of the San Diego museum the Museum of Natural History and the ine Arts Representatives of 'the three agencies were told week park board they would only recelve about $2000 from the budget because the council had ordered the present force retained "SOMETHING isroUen In Den mark" Councilman McMul len 'declared "We cut the park budget about $26000 under last year's told the members to retrench accordingly It is our policy to cut all departments to obtain a lowr tax Councilman Louis Malre con firmed his colleague's statement addlng that somebody was trying to (get the council into a "politi cal jackpot" This means the museums and art gallery would be given a total df $29772 instead of $34 220 for 1929 30 and the park board $113228 for the park proper instea dof $147000 last year The zoo is entltled under a charter tax levy sof cents SHORT MEETING instead of llstenlng to pleas of the delegation for more park funds? the councilmen said they expect the meeting to be short as "soon as the imisunder standlng was cleared up" i 4 "Last year the San Diego mu seum received $10972 the Na tural History museum $2241 and the ine ArtsOallery $18452 At the conclusion of budget ses sions last week the council Ahad arrived at a tentative 1930 31 tax rdte of per each $100 as sessed valuation This is about seven' cents lower than last year BOWLUSWILL Ruth Makes EWorld Altitude Record As Climax Student Days Eapis The San Diego Sun T' Mi iTiijiifs Iiiiitii9ailo7ttill Irtiif Iki I Iwn Ift A A I IW WfiiM rTfl to WlfkOHI SAN SECOND I 8.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.