The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

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The Zanesville Signali

Zanesville, Ohio

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ay yy rwn WEDNESDAY JCNE 10Jfl IVE NfTTING PITCHERS 1 Buchannon of the Norfolk Western Ry zj I 1 We say Our building material the best but if are are a judge came last associates 1 fiel at least thirty Signal Want Ads brings results Special Reductions During Our June Bride Sale si Every June Bride Should Own One of These Wonderful Kitchen Conveniences POMO EXPECTS BUST THE TRUSTS for a June then riel my Let Us Show You These Conveniences MEET replied Just say Hires EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE of your DEALERS OR spent SELLERS' Stoves' CARPETS Bell 93 LEROY TALLEY Auto 3114 1'ae uerauca Pharmacy rs LIQUID QUICK of Heppy Homes' Cubs with Judge if one arc the the educated government specialization and that the of his library the problems open mind if bot nnd nut re SCOURED DUSTED AND 25 ypars by two lift Ilavenu vi holding suf frage standard before convention hall Mrs Havemeyer million aire New York society woman joined the women picketing the Re publican national convention at Chicago for the National Woman's party to protest the failure of ths convention to act on suffrage mat ters broken nf I rs i rs body will be brought here tor burial WHERE GOOD URNITURE COMES ROM He Was Record Guest of Hon Van Voorhi in a statement Riven night i la red 1 1 Liberal Iridrs do not expect it to cause a smash up The committee of forty right ha? opened a campaign to popularize it self through the circulation of pam phlets containing declarations of principles adopted at its conference in Sr Louis last December the was expected to be one of the popular slogans if both parties unite on one candidate In the pamphlets th committee attacks the el oil beef milling and coal Leaders advocating formation of a third party today belicvrd their case strengthened as a result of the Dr Nichrdas Murray state ment that motley group nf stock ga miners cy for Wood Wood hern last marks are action nf Butler is an at tempt to ingratiate himself with eer fain elements which exorcised a de termining Influence al the conven tion ami possible' to cover his own political aid Wood tried to buy the presiden Major Gene ra 1 Le ar The witnesses Annie and were asked: ROYAL CLEANING CO up as a suits of of the older men but the boys am victims It is an indictment of the civilization and the statesman ship of the world that this awful sys tem should continue We have done away with cannibalism and other shameful customs of the past and now the foremost problem nf the statesmen of the world Is to put an end to He spoke of the lack of armament" along the Great Lakes which form the boundary linet between Canada and the United Slates and said that slncp this is possible along the Great lakes why can not it be possible on the seas? Prevent 1'uturc Wars general war would mean littlo less than annihilation of the race It was the university men and women who answered the call to the last war so nobly and they are the ones who can appreciate what Its sacrifices mean Go forth with the purpose that the highest alm of your life will be to do what ynu can to put an end to was his final word to the graduates Ben Ka John Jenkins of Eaton and Albert Adame of this city Th at was laid and after ef tonR one EURALGIA EASED AT ONCE BY THE OLD RELIABLE REMEDY DEPENDABLE ABSOLUTELY REIHL RE ELECTED Theodore Reihl of this rity was re elPCtert president of the Ohio organization of the liTernatonnl Union of Bricklayers at their meet ing at Lancaster this week Next year's convention will be held at steuoenvino not mix tried to educate public "Anywhere but Chicago would have gone with a bane I sent out 100000 rate tickets and only 200 were ac cepted "The passed nothing "The more than ordinary casters Dust Proof Base Top underneath our Sanitary Porccliron Work Table the beautiful Oil Hand Rubbed inish a $9750 feature many others which entail an added expense of over 1 00000 each year Unusual though it may seem the Sellers is not an ex pensive Cabinet It costs no more than any ordinary good cabinet The extra features are contributed by the Sellers factory There are conveniences you have always wanted but never found Now you can have them all We will gladly arrange terms of payment to suit your income Why delay? Chicago June Platforms of liberal parties which will hold their national conventions here begin ning July 10 and 11 are being worked out so they will fit together in case it is decided io amalgamate i nsupport uf one presidsntiaf tick et it was learned here today Both the labor parly and the com mittee nf have practically decid ed on the presentation of duplicate labor planks to their convention These planks according to offic ials of both parties will differ only in their wording and will approve public ownership of natural re sources stock yards grain eleva tors telephone telegraph flour mills and all the basic industries and participation vf workers in the man agement The League of Nations tissue has been left untouched by the plat form builder Opinion is divided there being the same trouble among the liberals as was experienced by the Republicans at their convention and which is predicted will crop out Efforts to PreventWars Are Urged By Him Mrs Margaret Hill McCarter When Mrs Margaref Hill Mc Carter of Topeka Kan was led the stand at the convention by Chairman Lodge address the gathering it marked thi first time in history that a womar had been heard on the stand at a national political con vention "Bless you no!" both the man who sold us the shoes was sn skinny he cnuld hardly make shadow not the The case was lost immediately Nn one could identify Griffin for the reason that when he appeared in court he weighed 196 pounds where as when was arrested he tipped the scales at 101 pounds Certainly Sheriff inn could testi fy that Griffin was the man who had been given to him last September DEALERS OR day of operatic angels has They got too much for at a convention Republican delegates sang 'What the Hell Do We at the POULTRY DEMONSTRATIONS County Agent Robert Wylie is planning to hold a large number of culling demonstrations in Muskin gum county the last of July and the first of August It is possible to tell by looking at a hen whether she is laying or not and also whether or not she will be a good layer the year around when properly cared for Several demonstrations will be a vailable or this culling work and lany community in which as many as 5 five people are IntArsted in culling can secure a demonstrator to teach them to cull It is a simple matter that can be learned in two hours time HIRAM DUNN IS CALLED ROM LIE Hiram Dunn aged 64 a former resident of this ritv and a brother of Mrs Albert Adams of Maple avenue died at Long Beach Calif Monday following a lingering illness Mr Dunn was president of the Pacific Idaho Northern rail road with headquarterskin Weiser Idaho Hp was a son of the late William Dunn for many years a county surveyor and had been locat ed in tne west tor tne past Mr Dunn is survived brothers and two sisters: Dunn nf Oakland Calif Dunn of Jxjavenwurth ing a course and Otterbein College Ohio After her had charge of the domestic sciepce department of the Verona Ohio high school for one year resigning her position a short time ago The groom was graduated from the Zanesville high school and is also a graduate of Otterbein College having completed the liberal arts course During the world war he was In army service' being station ed at ort Sheridan Ill and Spokane VVash lie is associated with his father in the wholesale shoo business in Zanesville The happy couple left early Tues day morning for Zanesville making short visits in Denver Omaha and Chicago en route The best wishes of a host of friends for future hap piness and prosperity attend themu La Junta (Colorado) Tribune IRST WOMAN TO ADDRESS NATIONAL POLITICAL So packed my toothbrush hange of socks and started a day (ByHENRYL ARRELL) ew Vork June ifi "pitchers alnt paid for hitting" a Giant bird chirped in the tenth inntes of a re cent game when Hubs Benton hit a weak roller in a pinch His logic came down from the past Pitchers of old batted mostly because the rules prescribed nine men in the batting here Worth of the pitcher today however is meas ured a great deal by his power with the stick Joining in the van of sluggers hurlers in the major leagues this ysar are helping to make it the "hit nf AVdri ko "v'v MU1UCO liaH IIHPn up BO far by the timely clout pitcher "Big Vaughn of the has xvon two of his own games the stick Although his longest rlmit season was a double he tripled in the ninth with the bases full in a game with the Pirates and won 4 to 1 Against the Cards in another game he singled in the ninth and got the decision Jack Quinn the veteran Yankee boxman broke into the hall of fame by hitting a homerun off Coveleskie with one on beating the Indians 2 to 0 Alexander confined his slugging to one double last season but he hit a homer with two down in the tenth inning of a game with the Reds and won 3 to 2 Walter Johnson selected a critical moment in a game with the Browns and hit a homer with two on win ning 5 to 3 He also doubled in a pinch and beat the Red Sox 2 to 0 To show he could do things other than pitching Al Sothnron gave the Browns a 7 tn victory over Cleve land by doubling in the ninth inning Yesterday Burleigh Grimes singled in the eighth with the bases fille giving the Robins a 9 to 7 win oxer the Reds Then there is Jim Bagby of the In dians who helped beat the Browns yith a homer and put a game on ice with the Yankees with a triple Carl Mays of the Yankees beat the Tigers by tripling with the bases full red Tony nf the Giants also tripled with two on and beat the Reds Stan Coveleskie drove in three runs yesterday against the Yankees winning his game Scott Perry of the Athletics also Is a member of the growing home run club Three pitchers are leading the Na tional League in batting ayrs Boston 519 Grimes Brooklyn437 and Alexander Chicago 409 Uhl of the Indians who batted302 last season Is leading the Amer ican League hitters with 714 and Zachcry of Washington is second with 406 JVEALTHY SUU1ETY WOMAN IS PICKET ATG MEET Mr Buchannon who Is con nected with the Norfolk and West ern Railway and lives Street Bluefield up with his stomach fe ts Of the lu He tie uf The Reese ormula 11 was able to come down sulrs attend to his work In statement Mr Buchannon In details of the good received from ormula ll and his honest opin ion of its merits I have been suffering from my stomach and general weakened con dition brought on by a severe attack say for The Reese WON'T PERMIT ADDRESS BY HAYWOOD TOLEDO Juns 15' Department of justice agents today warned the managers of Labor Temple against permitting an address Sundav after noon by William Haywood enn victed I official The warn ing was issued under the reeman act against syndicalism passed by the Ohio legislature The manage ment replied that the temple was an open forum but that the managers would not bo responsible for state 1 menta by Haywood Miss Helen Whitmore of Wash ington I) who has been visiting her grandparents Mr an I Mrs Van Horne of North Seventh street will leave Thursday for a vis it in Cleveland before returning home the genuine in bottles for the home atsoda fountains and on draught RUGS DUSTED AND SCOURED Uooey back without queatioa HINT'S ScJyc fail in the Ttetrecnt of ITCH BCnCM A RINGWORM TETTER or I tching tloQ diaoeaet Try 1 cent box at our nek CLASSICS IX WITH JAZZ MAN 44 HUNTING OR BRIDE Chicago June 16 rhe arrived in Evanston last night That in itself was some event for he had walked 527 miles other nam1 is MeRiell and he resides in Topeka Kan ho said just natural ly never have been kissed and what's more I never kissed a girl and I'm 44 years old I got to think ing about it and I says to myself: 'Kirby an old fool you ought to of got hitched up I read where a judge here in Evanston had half a dozen likely young women just weeping for hus oanus and a out I averaged 70 milea walking 1 hours a day I am lead me to Harrison I want to find nut of thse girls will stroll back with me If she won't walk pay her Harrison is on vacation and won't be back for another he was told panted Kirfrv wait that long I'll drop in some other He went to a lunch room and drank a full pint of cream and im mediately faded a wav Topeka bound pome girl had missed a long walk HURT LX MOTOR ACCIDENT WL carver of Gilbert Kt 1 had h's upper jaw bone broken and his sun Vibort was badly shak en up in a motorcycle accident while on the road to Sonora recently The son wag running the motorcycle while his father occupied the side car In trying to pass an automo bile he got into a ditch breaking a small rod which interfered with guiding and as there was no brake on the motorcycle it ran Into Her bert Reed's mail box before it could be stopped In the Sellers Kitchen Cabinet are found the utmost in conveniences due to Sellers creations Every want is anticipated every last possible effort and needless move eliminated Come in and we will demonstrate these extra conveniences found only in GETS AT IN JAIL AND IS ACQUITTED San ranclxnn June 16 The puz zling questinn in local judicial cir cles is whether Sheriff Tom inn should be censored nr complimented on the food he serves to the city prisoners at the county jail This questinn arose over the case nf Thomas Griffin arrested last Sep tember on a charge of burglary for breaking into a box car stealing shoes therefrom and selling them to Annie Sankovitch nnd Milly Rosen feld second hand dealers Tom Griffin had occupied a cell in the county jail with nothing to do but eat sleep and play checkers un til finally he was calledbefore Judge my power to acquaint all my friends' with Its merits I Th" Reese ormula ll has bee 1 doing for hundreds In Zanesville I ant' near by towns just what it di tor air uucnnnnon suffer from stomach liver or kidney trou ble it ynur system Is all run down from the LL' go to your drug or Bailey's on Main endon Pharmacy Zanesville Wilson's Drug Store Cambridge Knepp's Drug Store Roseville and get a bottle of Reese ormula ll today It will certainly fix yiu rr rThe eftest Servant in Tour House Take for instance the Automatic Lowering lour Bin acknowledged the most important improvement ever made in kitchen cabinets All the dangerous lifting and straining and the treacherous chair climbing necessary when filling the ordinary flour bin is eliminated This automatic flour bin drops down level with the work table ills with ease then quietly slips back into place Then there's the Automatic Base Shelf Extender When you open the lower cupboard door the pots'and pans are automatically brought within easy reach Altogether there are 1 5 vitally necessary improvements never before combined in any cabinet These include the Ant Proof Casters which cost us 1 0000 a year Is Able to Come Down Stairs After Taking Half Bottle of ll Remarkable Results Obtained Due Solely to the Reese ormula He Says TJJ Mres Guerin and (laugher JI MiBCB Elizabeth Guerin nf Columbus are visiting the Grace home or Culbertson avenue Porrlnnd Ore June 16 or three days next week Portland will play host tn approximately 160000 ponple whn the national gathering of the Ancient Arabic Tudor Nobles oj tne Aivtio Shr nc A ASAmhki three clay business session and plea mi tlttlVIHd I The convention will onon nn 22 and a program of continual cel ebration band concerts drills pa rades dunces and a riot of music color and action will Every hotel and rooming house in the city will be crowded to its ca pacity the churches will be calledupon tn provide space for cots and private homes will be commandeer ed to afford accommodations for the throne The Shriners' conven tion will be the largest convention that Portland ever will have seen Portland has a bee in its bonnet The citizens of the Rose City have long wanted the message of the beauties of the Columbia river country tn be carried ny word of mouth to every corner of the land They see their opportunity in tho Shriners' convention Lm there wil he Shriners here from all parts ok the world It Is in June that Cm Columbia river attains the acme of its grand eur Portlanders aver It is that the valley is one waving of apple blossoms and the hpnvor nll of thp Williamotte lev is then most productive of fruits And all these things within walking distance of heart of the city The registration to date far ccnds the entire attendance at Indianapolis convention last year The Northern Pacific railroad al ready has promised the exclusive use of 1177 special cars In Juno of every year Portland has its great rose festival a strange coincidence the plotters of this festival chose the sam date the Shriners had So Port land will be a veritable bouquet Vhen the Shriners comp to town 1 Chicago June 16 Andreas Dip pel tenor extraordinary of a decade ago Impresario of the Grau and Metropolitan Grand Opera com panies ami who a few years ago was the Chicago Grand Opera com pany's administrative general man ager at $30000 a year is in deep trouble here so deep that he has appealed tn his friend Enrico Ca ruso to come to his afd His trouble which is 100 per cent financial had its origin just weeks ago Mr Dippel in explain ing said: opera movies and jazz do tne A plea for their efforts towardworking for the elimination of war fare in the future was voiced to the 891 young men and women who were given degrees Tuesday at 'the 43rd annual commencement of Ohio State university held In the gymna sium on the campus Dr Samuel Walker McCall three times gover nor Of Massachusetts and member of the federal industrial board with Resident Thompson of the Lnlverstty during the war was the eommencement speaker His sub ject was Scholar in Politic special reference to the work that educated men and women may do in a democratic government IT McCall who also spoke at the commencement exercises at Muskin gum college New Concord spent the week the guest of Hon Van toorhls of this city and met manynnoevlHUn 4SSAHH uuung ms visit ht and Snares After an invocation bv inompson and his brief introduc tion of Dr McCall whom he called "ne of the most distinguished suns of Massachusetts" the speaker launched into an address in which he spoke of tite pitfalls and snares which threaten the ruin of a demo cratic government and the dutv of a 1 1 on I i vjussps toward that He asserted that over ly a fault of the times scholar must coma out or laboratory and view of his country with an he its to He declared that the man whom many would term the three greatest presidents the nited States has ever hud Washington Lincoln and Clot eland were not college gradu ates nnd two of them had very little schooling at all but all realized the importance of college as an institu tion and one of them Washington left a considerable sum of money to be used tor founding a college ostm Courage It should be the alm of a college to foster nn unbending courage in its graduates" the speaker declared "and that courage should be used to ward making democracy safe for th" world since it is rather patronizing to say that the world must bo made safe for such a powerful Institution as a democracy "Popular noises instead of popular opinions are fault ofthe times" he said He declared that although people forgot very quickly about war and so are not on their proper guard against it the people of the United Stareg have sought to elect a military hero from the time of Lincoln until Taft and although they always wanted a big one they were some times content with a little one rath er than none at all This tendency to revere the military he said had resulted in the city of Washington looking like a cavalry encampment because of the statues to military he roes which crowd it Boys Arc Victims in its essence is the offering sacrifice of the youth of the he said "Wars are the re thc ambitions and passions A HOME WEDDING A SOLEMNIZED AT LA JUNTA COLO Miss Meryl Black and' Russell Palmer of Zanesville Ohio were married at the home of the parents Mr and Mrs Black 914 Colorado avenue at 8 Monday evening Dr A 'Alien pAsLor of the Presbyterian church officiating at the ceremony The wedding was a quiet but a very pretty one with unly a limited num ber of Intimate friends present wedding march was played by Mrs Donald Irwin sister of the bride after which the impressive ring service was used in solemnizing the nuptial ceremony while the soft strains of Old Sweet were played A point of interest to the contracting parties was the fact that the cere mony was performed on the twenty seventh wedding anniversary of the parents The bride wore a handsome rown of white georgette and a veil nnd carried a shower boquet of Ophelia loses An elaborate redding sup per was served after the ceremony The bride is (lie second daughter of Mr and Mrs Black' otv of La must respected and prominent families and is a young lady of rare beauty and pleasing personality fche is decidedly popu lar with a wide circle of friends and She is resided in La Junta the greater part of her life having attended the gratis and high schools being graduated from the latter in the class of 191 5 later tak graduatmg from in Westerville graduation ho you and look them over eel Thirty Years Younger Since Taking Reese ormula Declares Cj of the lu which I barely survived My system was so run down that believe I would ever have been well again but for The Jleese ormula lull 1 bought a bottle of this medicine from the Goodykoontz Drug Store and before I had finished the bottlo I was able to go down stall and hat tells is more 1 feel for years Why years younger nothing I can ormula ll that is too good fur it I know it will help others as it has helped me and I will do all in 1 I 1 1 SBiiiiiil tttMR it i 40 11 I Le I a il a III BE MAN 100000 SHRINERS fe 1 lisMii Sb i is Mori bMIBs wmW ill JfflRills Hi IS fwSiPMl LIS rJ Ipll II I 'll I I i I fflJfel' IB I I I sss oii hi I I I Ess 7'1 be I i I hi Ji ZS7 ZS I 1A 9 ft VGA iTTITjinu "lT WIM nUEWlLiniinLiJl 1H2TB2L 1 iiiiiiwi will Mil yqx in a via 1 fl I miWIIMMIBUH Bin ii mi HiniiMqwMgMeaaflyw 1: I ST 1 CT I I 1 95 i I I I I iii I lst I A i 'll MxMAIN ARD SECOND STS ft IK cMj ft ieM I I I i 0 0.

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The Zanesville Signal from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.